I love to travel.  So this blog is a way to recount my travel, my life abroad, and some random thoughts, mostly for friends and family to keep up and touch base, but also for anyone who wants to visit any of the places I go to along the way.  I travel nowadays with my fiance, Jon, and our pug, Daisy – you will find mention of them in most posts!  We plan to be moving and generally kicking around the world for at least the next five years, so stay tuned. 🙂  Thanks for reading!

PS. ‘Gitana’ is the Spanish word for “gypsy”.  I identify with the movement/travelling patterns of many gypsies and love the traditional gypsy culture as well.

PPS. If anyone stumbling upon this blog ever wants a more detailed account of how to get visas, how to get from point a to point b, or my experience with anything specific in any of the places I have been, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will get back to you with more details. Alternately, you can contact me at gitanalife@gmail.com

6 responses »

  1. Hi – I’m Cathy McIntosh, Jonny’s aunt. I got your blog address from Auntie Frances and am really enjoying reading of your adventures. I don’t do facebook so I never see what you guys post but the blog is a nice way to keep up with you. Thanks, Auntie Cathy

    • Thanks, Madhu! I’m moving locations but the content is the same. I decided to self host 🙂 If you want to read along that would be awesome! I’ll be at gitanalife.com from now on. Cheers!

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